Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call 😨 (2024)

People nowadays get fascinated with unknown things. This is because they want to feel the adrenaline rush.💥

One fascinating thing many people are into is scary numbers to call.

Such numbers, particularly if associated with special occasions, are thought to be cursed or associated with fear. Hence, they attract people in popular culture.

Regardless of whether it is from an urban legend to a horror movie, we have watched many people dialing 📞 a number and getting into something horrific. This blog will look at similar, scariest, and most distressing numbers one can dial.

In this blog, we’ll discuss 21 scary phone numbers to call that are associated with horrific history and various stories that people have shared after dialing those numbers. 👇


  • Scary numbers are the product of lies in our culture and societal impact.
  • Spooky phone numbers are simply numbers that sound mysterious or frightening to some extent.
  • Scary phone numbers are often associated with supernatural occurrences and urban legends.
  • One popular number among people is 090-4444-4444 because of its association with the horror movie.
  • Another creepy number that people should avoid is 618-625-8313 because when someone calls this weird number, they hear a mysterious voicemail message playing, which is disturbing to hear.
  • Calling these creepy numbers can have a psychological impact on the caller.

Table of Contents

The list of scary phone numbers

Here is the list of the 21 most horror numbers and a quick description of why people consider them so creepy: Proceed with caution!

Phone NumberDescription
666-666-6666The number of the beast is associated with sinister and evil stories
1-000-000-0000Direct Line to Hell is believed to play demonic voices and cause fear
999-9999The Wish-Granting Number from Thailand comes with a deadly cost
090-4444-4444The Cursed Number from Japan is associated with the horror movie The Ring
1-888-888-8888The Cursed Number from Bulgaria is associated with death and voodoo
828-756-0109The Haunted Phone Booth in North Carolina known for spooky noises
1-207-404-2604The Red Room Number connects callers to a deadly website
202-456-1414The Haunted White House Switchboard, associated with ghostly voices and strange noises
801-820-0263Plays a creepy message when called and sends chills down the caller’s spine
407-734-0254The Mysterious Number connects callers to the spirit world
951-572-2602The Haunted Hotline, known for ghostly voices and unsettling noises
978-435-0163A Spooky Message leaves callers feeling unnerved and haunted
618-625-8313A Mysterious Voicemail, from Murray Bauman in Stranger Things
731-737-8423Known for its unsettling recordings, leaves callers feeling uneasy
630-296-7536A Haunted Doll’s Curse, associated with a haunted doll and bad luck
913-535-6280Connects callers to the fictional Derry Police Department from Stephen King’s IT
207-404-2604Connects callers to a website with disturbing and potentially harmful content
801-820-0263Plays a cryptic message, leaves callers feeling uneasy and paranoid
909-390-0003The Mysterious Echo repeats the caller’s words back to them
20202020A mysterious number is associated with unsettling recordings of women crying.
701-347-1936A cursed number believed to bring misfortune or even death to those who call it.

Warning: These experiences can be deeply unsettling, and what starts as a curious adventure might end up being a terrifying one. So, dial these numbers with caution and remember that there’s no escape once you dial.

What are scary phone numbers?

Spooky phone numbers are simply numbers that sound mysterious or frightening to some extent.Sometimes, they are associated with scary stories, myths, or other ghostly phenomena. It is also believed that these haunted numbers let you talk to the spirit, and there are horror stories associated with such numbers.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (1)

Such disturbing phone numbers may look normal at first, but when you call them, you can experience really scary things.People say that when you call these numbers, you will hear strange noises and spooky voice recordings on the phone or experience phenomena that can barely be explained by anyone.

Just the stories associated with these numbers are terrifying enough. Moreover, the thought of speaking to a ghost, a bad spirit, or hearing a message that brings bad luck is what makes these numbers so creepy.

However, those who are interested in getting a thrill or are fascinated by things that cannot be explained might find it hard to resist calling these random numbers.

Still, it should be noted that these encounters can be very stressful, and what once was a joyful quest can become a rather frightening experience.

If you’re looking for even more thrill, you might also want to explore some random numbers to call for an unexpected spooky experience.

Top 21 creepy phone numbers you should never call

Do you dare to make phone calls to real horror numbers? All of these numbers are considered to be very creepy, and they have their own histories.

So, use these terrifying phone numbers with caution because they’re not numbers that anyone can call and be completely comfortable with.

1. 666-666-6666: The number of the beast

In the USA, the number 666 has been regarded as the Number of the Beast, which refers to the devil, antichrist, or anything evil. It is a number one doesn’t want to call, as it is linked to sinister and evil.

The number 666 is first talked about in the Book of Revelation, where it is called the number of a man or a beast and is associated with many scary stories.

Others claim that it is associated with Nero Caesar, a Roman emperor who tortured early Christians; thus, it is associated with evil.

Nowadays, 666 has become popular among people. People use it as a scary ringtone or a mysterious contact name.

2. 1-000-000-0000: The direct Line to hell

Supposed to be a direct line to hell, it is believed that if you dial this number, you will hear many demonic voices, and you will experience a great fear.

This is a rather weird number to call. If you dare to dial it, you will meet your worst nightmares.

Every time it is called by people who dared to, they feel a cold run through their backs as if somebody is actually behind them. It is mentioned that the experience is rather disturbing, and thus, people have classified this number as a very creepy phone number to call.

3. 999-9999: The wish-granting number

In Thailand, this number is said to grant the caller a wish, but at a deadly cost. This eerie contact number is often associated with the supernatural, making it one of the most haunted numbers to call.

When you dial 999-9999, you’re essentially making a deal with a mysterious force. The price you pay might be more than you’re willing to give, so it is best left undialed.

Despite the risks, many people are drawn to this number because they want to grant their wishes, making it one of the scariest numbers out there.

4. The cursed number: 090-4444-4444

This is a death phone number famous in Japan that has been associated with the horror movie – The Ring. It is said to seal the fate of anyone who dials the number, who will die a gruesome death within a week.

It is a well-known myth that dialing this number will invoke a curse, which echoes the movie’s theme of a cursed videotape.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (2)

The fact it is associated with Sadako Yamamura, a vengeful spirit, contributes to this number’s horror status.

It is an actual horror number that is believed to provoke dreadful phone calls and mysterious incidents; hence, it is one of the bizarre contact numbers that should not be dialed.

5. The mysterious 20202020

This scary number is often mentioned in urban legends, promising a supernatural experience to those brave enough to dial it. When you call, you might hear a woman’s desperate cries for help, creating a chilling atmosphere that will leave you on edge.

The lore surrounding 20202020 taps into our deepest fears of the unknown and the supernatural, making it a creepy phone number that many thrill-seekers avoid.

The unsettling audio and mysterious backstory contribute to its reputation as one of the most horror numbers to call.

6. The cursed 1-888-888-8888

This number is claimed to be voodoo and associated with death in Bulgaria. Numerous examples can be given with celebrities who owned this number – they died in various circ*mstances, and it is considered an ominous number, which is terrifying to call.

In most cultures, the digits recurring in this number are regarded as unlucky or have negative meanings. This has made 1-888-888-8888 one of the horror numbers to call, even if the reason behind this horror is unknown.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (3)

People believe that 1-888-888-8888 is a death number, and it is correct to avoid it since it has fatal consequences. It is among the creepy telephone numbers and unsettling contact numbers that should never be dialed.

7. The haunted phone booth: 828-756-0109

In North Carolina, USA, there’s a spooky phone booth with a creepy number: 828-756-0109. People who call this number claim to hear spooky, creepy noises.

The sounds are unknown, but they are described as whispering, screaming, or strange noises. This is a spine-chilling telephone number that only makes people feel chilling and develop an urge to know what is behind that number.

For people interested in ghost stories, this number may be something that you would want to try dialing.

But be warned: it is one of the scary numbers to call in the USA, and the reception on the other end may not be what you would like at all.

8. 1-207-404-2604: The red room number

The “Red Room Number,” 1-207-404-2604, is a creepy phone number that’s said to connect callers to a deadly website. This website is rumored to display disturbing images and videos that can cause severe psychological distress.

The fear surrounding this haunted number is real, with some claiming that calling it could have dire consequences. It’s even been used in promotional tactics for horror movies in the past.

If you’re brave and wondering what dark secrets lie behind the “Red Room.” Then be warned: calling 1-207-404-2604 could lead to a frightening experience.

9. 202-456-1414: The haunted white house switchboard

The White House switchboard number, 202-456-1414, is known for being creepy. Some people say that calling this number at night can cause weird things to happen, like hearing ghostly voices or strange noises.

This terrifying phone line is associated with the White House, which makes it more frightening. Several people who work and reside there have claimed to see ghosts and hear strange sounds. This makes people believe that the ghosts of former presidents or other significant individuals could still reside in the house.

Even if some people don’t believe it, the combination of the White House’s history and the reports of hauntings make 202-456-1414 a number that’s best to avoid.

10. 801-820-0263: The mystery behind the eerie calls

801-820-0263 is quite famous for playing a creepy message when called, sending chills down the caller’s spine.

The unsettling nature of the message has led many to report feeling deeply disturbed after the call, with some even claiming it haunts them long after they hang up.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (4)

However, many people dial this number out of curiosity, hoping to experience the spine-chilling message for themselves.

Because of the combination of fear and curiosity surrounding this creepy telephone number, 801-820-0263 has become a favorite among those seeking real-life ghost stories or paranormal experiences.

11. 407-734-0254: The mysterious number

The phone number 407-734-0254 is known as one of the scary numbers to call in the USA. Many people claim that it connects callers to the spirit world, making it a popular choice for thrill-seekers who dare to call haunted numbers.

Those who have called this weird number report strange noises and voices on the other end. Some even claim to have experienced paranormal activities after calling.

Due to the unsettling experiences reported by previous callers, many consider 407-734-0254 one of the spooky phone numbers to avoid. It’s often included in lists of creepy phone numbers and frightening phone numbers that are better left undialed.

12. 951-572-2602: The haunted hotline

951-572-2602 951-572-2602 is known as the “Haunted Hotline,” where callers report hearing ghostly voices and unsettling noises.

This number is a favorite among those who want to experience a real-life ghost story. Many claim to hear eerie sounds that seem to come from another realm.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (5)

Therefore, the idea of connecting with another realm by dialing a number makes 951-572-2602 a medium for those interested in ghost stories and supernatural encounters.

As a real horror number, it remains a popular topic among thrill-seekers who dare to call scary numbers.

13. 978-435-0163: A spooky message

978-435-0163 is a creepy number to call that plays a spooky, automated message. The message is cryptic and leaves callers feeling unnerved and haunted long after they hang up.

The automated message includes strange phrases and unsettling sounds that provoke a sense of fear. Callers report feeling uneasy and even haunted by the message, which is why many consider it one of the scary numbers never to call.

978-435-0163 is now a well-known entry in the list of creepy phone numbers to avoid. Its reputation as a real horror number has made it a fascinating topic for those interested in urban legends, ghost stories, and spooky phone numbers.

14. 618-625-8313: A mysterious voicemail

A Mysterious Voicemail 618-625-8313 is a weird number to call that plays a mysterious voicemail message. The message is from Murray Bauman, a character from the Netflix series Stranger Things.

The message starts off normal but quickly turns creepy, with Murray calling callers “nitwits” and “parasites.” This tone can be perceived as eerie, especially given the show’s themes of paranoia and supernatural occurrences.

Despite its creepy tone, the recording has become a fun Easter egg for fans of the show.

15. 731-737-8423: A creepy recording

731-737-8423 is a creepy number to call that’s known for its unsettling recordings. It’s said to leave callers feeling uneasy and uncomfortable after the call ends.

The specifics of the messages are not well-documented, but the number’s disturbing nature has led to its reputation.

This number is part of the broader folklore surrounding creepy phone numbers, making it one of the scary numbers never to call.

Due to its frightening nature, it’s generally advised to avoid calling 731-737-8423. This spooky phone number is considered one of the most terrifying in the USA, and its eerie contact number is best left undialed.

16. 630-296-7536: A haunted doll’s curse

630-296-7536 is a scary number to call that’s rumored to be linked to a haunted doll. Calling it may invoke a curse, bringing bad luck and misfortune to those who dare to dial.

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call😨 (6)

The specifics of the recordings or experiences reported by callers are not well-documented, but the association with a haunted object contributes to its eerie reputation.

This number taps into the common fear of cursed objects and the supernatural, making it a subject of fascination for those interested in ghost stories and urban legends.

17. 913-535-6280: Fictional police department number

913-535-6280 is a creepy number to call that’s rumored to connect callers to the fictional Derry Police Department from Stephen King’s IT.

When dialed, it plays a horrifying audio clip featuring a police officer being attacked, creating a chilling atmosphere.

Dreadful Experience Many callers report feeling a deep sense of dread after hearing the disturbing sounds, which contributes to the number’s reputation as a creepy number to avoid.

The number is often associated with Halloween and is purportedly a part of the lore surrounding the town of Derry, Maine, where the story takes place.

18. 207-404-2604: A disturbing website

207-404-2604 is a scary number to call and is rumored to connect callers to a website with disturbing and potentially harmful content.

The term “Red Room” originates from urban legends about secretive online spaces where horrific acts are streamed live.

Fear of the Unknown: The specifics of this number’s association with such a website are vague. Still, the fear surrounding it stems from the idea that it could lead to severe psychological effects or even danger to the caller.

This has led to its reputation as a scary number to call in the USA, and many advise against dialing it.

19. 801-820-0263: A creepy message

When calling 801-820-0263, a creepy message plays, featuring a man counting numbers followed by unsettling statements about the caller’s actions and whereabouts.

This cryptic message can leave callers feeling uneasy and paranoid as if they are being watched or tracked.

The feeling of being watched, combined with the feeling of being personally addressed, adds to the discomfort experienced by those who dare to call.

This scary number to call in the USA has gained a reputation for being one of the most horror numbers, leaving many to wonder if it’s a real horror number or just a prank.

20. 909-390-0003: The mysterious echo

Dialing 909-390-0003 will connect you to a weird number that repeats your words back to you. This eerie contact number has become a popular horror number to call, sparking curiosity and fear in those who dare to try it.

The delay between your spoken words and the echoed response amplifies the echo line’s unsettling effect.

Some claim that the echo line is haunted, while others believe it’s just a strange quirk of phone technology. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: calling 909-390-0003 is a frightening experience that will leave you wondering about the reality behind this spooky phone number.

21. 701-347-1936: A deadly curse

Dialing 701-347-1936 is said to bring a deadly curse or misfortune to those who call it. This creepy phone number is believed to be haunted, leading to strange occurrences and a sense of fear for those who dare to call.

The fear surrounding this number stems from reports of callers experiencing terrifying encounters or feeling a sense of doom after the call. This has led to 701-347-1936 being included in lists of phone numbers to avoid.

If you’re looking for chilling numbers to dial, 701-347-1936 is one to avoid at all costs. This eerie contact number is said to bring real horror to those who call it.

👋 Take a look at: Everything you need to know about Ghost Calls

Wrapping up

All these haunt numbers have their own horrifying background and what could happen to people who dare to dial them. The effect of these creepy telephone numbers on culture is just as significant since they remain mysterious and shocking to people even today.

These creepy contact numbers show how society thrills to the unknown and the mythical. They also put into perspective the impact that urban legends had and why people never get bored with practices such as intensive scares. No matter what you think about the mystical effect of numbers, the stories connected with them will make your skin crawl.😨


What are scary numbers to call?

Scary numbers to call are phone numbers rumored to be haunted or cursed. They are often associated with supernatural occurrences and urban legends. Some common examples of scary numbers are 666-666-6666- “the number of the beast,” 1-000-000-0000 “Direct phone line to hell,” 630-296-7536- “hunted doll’s curse,” and many more.

Are these scary numbers real or just myths?

While some of these numbers are based on real urban legends, the experiences reported vary. It’s up to the individual to decide whether they believe in the supernatural elements associated with these numbers.

Can calling scary numbers cause harm?

While there’s no concrete evidence that calling these numbers can cause physical harm, the psychological impact can be significant. Some people report feeling deeply disturbed after making these calls.

How can I protect myself from scams involving scary numbers?

To protect yourself from scams involving scary numbers, you should avoid calling numbers from unknown sources and never share personal information over the phone. If a number seems suspicious, it’s best to avoid calling it.

What are some common examples of scary numbers from urban legends or horror stories?

Common examples include 666-666-6666 (the “Number of the Beast”), 090-4444-4444 (Sadako’s number), and 1-000-000-0000 (rumored to be a direct line to hell).

What does it mean when a number turns red?

When a number turns red on a mobile device, it typically indicates a potential scam or spam call. It’s best to avoid answering or calling back such numbers.

What happens to victims of Sadoko’s Cursed Line?

According to the legend, those who call Sadako’s number (090-4444-4444) will die within a week. The story is similar to the plot of the horror film “The Ring.”

Scary Numbers to Call: Top 21 Numbers You Dare to Call 😨 (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.