Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2024)

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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (1)

Six of Wands Tarot Card

Belonging to the Suit of Wands of the Minor Arcana, the Six of Wands tarot card represents victory, recognition, achievement, public acclaim, and self-confidence.

Depicted by a rider on a horse holding a staff with a laurel wreath, the Six of Wands symbolizes the successful outcome of a venture or endeavor. The rider’s elevated position and the cheering crowd in the background symbolize public acclaim and the celebration of achievement. This card embodies the moment of glory after overcoming challenges, demonstrating leadership, and emerging victorious. It encourages a sense of confidence and pride, while also reminding us to stay humble in the face of success.

Esoterically, the Six of Wands is astrologically tied to Jupiter in Leo, carrying the expansive influence of Jupiter with Leo’s confident charisma, accomplishments, and recognition. Furthermore, the number six is about harmony, responsibility, and nurturing leadership, reinforcing the message that genuine victory stems from a balanced and principled approach.

In essence, the Six of Wands teaches us to celebrate our wins while remaining down-to-earth, recognize the integration of our efforts, and inspire others through our achievements.

Some questions the Six of Wands invites you to ponder…

  1. How have I recently overcome challenges and achieved success in my life?
  2. In what ways am I currently being recognized or celebrated for my efforts?
  3. What aspects of my leadership qualities am I proud of and can further develop?
  4. How can I balance my personal achievements with a sense of humility and gratitude?
  5. What does victory mean to me on a deeper level, and how can I share this energy with others?

In this post, we’ll be going over the Six of Wands’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Six of Wands as a person (or significator), the Six of Wands as feelings, and the Six of Wands as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, the Six of Wands offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.

Six of Wands Keywords

Upright:Victory, Recognition, Triumph, Success, Public Acclaim, Confidence, Achievement, Leadership, Celebration, Honor, Positivity, Advancement
Reversed:Obstacles, Failure, Criticism, Defeat, Humiliation, Setback, Disappointment, Struggle, Disapproval, Adversity, Frustration, Downfall
Zodiac:Jupiter in Leo
Number:6 (change, instability, freedom)
Yes or NoYes

Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Six of Wands Tarot card!

Six of Wands (Upright)

When the Six of Wands appears upright in a Tarot reading, it heralds a period of triumph, recognition, and positive outcomes. You might find yourself achieving long-sought goals, receiving accolades, or winning competitions. Your efforts and hard work are paying off, leading to external validation and applause from others. You may experience public recognition, perhaps in your career or a creative endeavor, bringing a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

The Six of Wands can also signal that you’ll be a source of inspiration for others due to your achievements, and you might take on leadership roles where your confidence and success shine. Embrace the celebratory energy around you, while remaining humble and using your achievements as a platform to inspire and motivate others.


The Six of Wands advises you to embrace your successes and take a confident step forward. Your efforts are bringing you recognition and victory, so use this momentum to inspire others. Lead by example, staying true to your principles while sharing your achievements humbly. Believe in yourself! Allow your accomplishments to shine – they hold the potential to motivate and uplift those around you.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2)

Six of Wands (Reversed)

The Six of Wands reversed indicates a delay or setback in achieving anticipated outcomes. It might suggest that despite efforts, obstacles or resistance are hindering the intended progress. There may be a lack of acknowledgment or appreciation for your efforts, causing a sense of disappointment or frustration.

This reversal may also signify a need to reassess your goals and strategies. You may be undergoing a period of self-doubt or a struggle to maintain the confidence necessary to continue pursuing your goals. Emotionally and physically, the reversed Six of Wands can also reveal a time when the spotlight is temporarily taken away, leading to a more internal journey of self-discovery and refinement.

When you see the Six of Wands in reverse, it’s a call to reevaluate motivations, seek alignment, and refine the approach to success in order to regain momentum and ultimately overcome the challenges presented.


The Six of Wands reversed advises you to focus on your internal validation and growth, rather than seeking external recognition. This reversal reminds you that true success comes from within, even if current circ*mstances don’t bring immediate acclaim. Use this time to refine your strategies, address self-doubt, and align with your purpose. Work on building a solid foundation of confidence and authenticity.

Embrace any challenges as opportunities for personal development – remember that setbacks can lead to valuable insights! Stay determined and committed to your goals, adjusting your approach if necessary. Trust that your efforts will ultimately lead to success, even if it takes time.

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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (4)

Six of Wands as a Person

The Six of Wands is someone who embodies the qualities of a victorious and charismatic leader. This person is confident, ambitious, and has a track record of overcoming challenges. They thrive in situations where they can showcase their achievements and receive recognition for their efforts. Others are naturally drawn to their energy and enthusiasm, making them effective motivators and influencers. This person has a strong sense of purpose and can inspire others to follow their lead.

Astrologically, someone represented by the Six of Wands may be a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) or have prominent Fire placements in their birth chart. This person’s presence can be larger than life, and they have a knack for making things happen on a grand scale. They may thrive in fields that involve public speaking, performing, or any form of creative self-expression. Their optimism and enthusiasm are infectious, and they tend to overcome challenges with a sense of grace and self-assuredness. Six of Wands people often seek recognition and may find success in areas where they can shine and receive admiration from others.

Six of Wands (Reversed) as a Person

A person embodying the Six of Wands reversed is someone who may be struggling with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt despite having the potential for success. They could find it challenging to receive recognition and may resist stepping into any leadership roles due to fears of failure or criticism. They might even appear envious or resentful of others’ success, projecting their own insecurities onto those around them.

Alternatively, this person may not always seek the limelight or public recognition, but they are no less accomplished or capable. They display humility and authenticity, focusing on personal growth and integrity rather than external validation. The journey to success, for them, involves overcoming challenges in a more private manner, often learning important life lessons along the way. Their quiet determination and willingness to confront self-doubt make them a role model for introspection and self-improvement. Despite not always receiving the accolades they deserve, their ability to overcome obstacles with grace and learn from setbacks is truly admirable.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (5)
Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (6)

Six of Wands as Feelings

The Six of Wands reflects feelings of pride, accomplishment, and admiration. If someone feels this way about you romantically, they likely see you as confident, successful, and a source of inspiration. They may be attracted to your leadership qualities and view you with a sense of respect, feeling proud to be connected to you.

When someone feels the Six of Wands about you, they hold you in high esteem and perceive you as accomplished and capable. They may perceive you as a role model and be inspired by your achievements. Your confidence and ability to overcome challenges could evoke feelings of admiration, and they feel lucky to have you in their life!

Six of Wands (Reversed) as Feelings

When the Six of Wands is reversed as feelings, someone may be experiencing doubts or uncertainties about their own worthiness or achievements. They could be feeling less confident and may even struggle with jealousy or comparison to others. This person might be grappling with feelings of inadequacy, causing them to question their abilities and accomplishments.

If the Six of Wands reversed represents how someone feels about you, it denotes a mix of admiration and hesitancy – while they like you, they could also feel inadequate or unsure about you. This person might be hesitant to take the lead or express their feelings due to a lack of confidence or self-assuredness. On the other hand, they might have mixed feelings or uncertainties about your achievements or qualities. They could be envious of your successes or feel insecure about how they compare to you. Their feelings might be influenced by their own struggles with self-esteem, causing them to project their internal conflicts onto their perception of you.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (7)

Six of Wands: Yes or No

In a yes or no reading, the Six of Wands is a “yes” answer. A card of victory, recognition, and triumph, seeing it in your reading aligns with positive outcomes and successful resolutions. Its energy suggests that things are moving in a favorable direction and that you’re likely to achieve your goals.

Six of Wands (Reversed): Yes or No

In a yes or no reading, the Six of Wands reversed suggests a leaning towards “no.” This reversal speaks to potential challenges, setbacks, or lack of recognition in the situation at hand. It indicates that there might be obstacles to overcome before achieving success or receiving a positive outcome.

While it doesn’t guarantee an absolute “no,” it does advise caution and indicates that there might be more work or adjustments needed before the desired result can be achieved.

Key Takeaway

The key takeaway from the Six of Wands is that victory and recognition come not only from external sources but also from within. It is a reminder of the importance of self-confidence, leadership, and overcoming challenges to achieve success. This card encourages us to align our actions with our true purpose, embodying a sense of pride while staying humble. While setbacks may arise, they are opportunities for growth and refinement.

Ultimately, the Six of Wands teaches us that genuine triumph arises from a harmonious blend of personal accomplishment, inner strength, and the ability to inspire and uplift others through our achievements.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (9)

And that concludes our exploration of the Six of Wands tarot card! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!


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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning (Upright & Reversed) - Sage & Moon (2024)


What does the Six of Wands upright mean? ›

In its upright position, the Six of Wands signifies that you have achieved a significant milestone or goal. You have overcome obstacles and challenges, and now you are reaping the rewards of your hard work. This card indicates that others are recognizing and applauding your accomplishments.

What is the 6 of wands love outcome? ›

If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw the Six of Wands, that means that your person feels like they're on top of the world when they're with you. The Six of Wands card is astrologically associated with Jupiter in Leo. This is a proud, boisterous energy.

Is the Six of Wands reversed a yes or no? ›

Reversed Position: If you pull the six of wands reversed, the answer is still yes, although it won't be that easy to get your wish fulfilled and you will have to work harder and get rid of your overconfidence.

What is the negative of the Six of Wands? ›

At times, the reversed Six of Wands may suggest that you had a fall from grace and did not receive the public recognition you were seeking. You got no feedback for your efforts, or received criticism instead. You may have expected things to work well, but instead, you are being punished or neglected.

What does upright and reversed mean in Tarot? ›

When a card is upright, its energy is free to manifest. Its qualities are available and active. When a card is reversed, its energy is not fully developed. It may be in its early stages, or losing power.

What signs do wands represent in Tarot? ›

Wands cards often represent the astrological signs of Fire: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. A wands court card often relates to a person with a Leo, Sagittarius or Aries star sign. Generally, Wands people are energetic, charismatic, warm and spiritual.

What are they feeling Six of Wands? ›

The Six of Wands shows a person who is very successful and is being honored for something. Wands energy is the beginning of something exciting, and the six shows someone acting on that energy.

What is the 6 of wands communication? ›

by Fiona. The communication between you and others improves. You may find that your dealings with others and transactions in general are much calmer and more pleasant all round.

What does the 6 tarot card mean in love? ›

6. THE LOVERS. —Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. Reversed: Failure, foolish designs.

What is the Six of Wands energy? ›

This six of wands is generally a very positive card that signifies success and self-confidence. These principles apply to your work-life when it appears in this position. You have likely reached an achievement at work of which you are particularly proud of.

Do you have to read Tarot cards reversed? ›

Whether the images are right side up or upside down, will not change its ability to guide you. However, the reversals can make short work of deciphering if you need to do a tad more investigating before moving on in your journey.

Is the moon a yes or no in Tarot? ›

Is the Moon Card a Yes or No Card? The Moon Card is interpreted as a "NO". It represents illusion, dreams, and intuition that indicate complex challenges are coming your way, which will arrive unannounced. This card warns of deception.

What is wand energy in Tarot? ›

The Tarot suit of Wands -- sometimes called Rods, Staves, or Staffs -- represents the energy of movement, creativity, and invention. Wands represent ideas and innovation, and an entrepreneurial spirit.

What is the power of wands in Tarot? ›

The suit of wands is the source for all energy, it symbolizes human willpower. In a tarot reading, the suit of wands often represent a person's creative potential, and can suggest themes of creative projects, inspiration, and on's drive.

Is the Six of Swords good or bad? ›

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Six of Swords suggests a positive outcome. It signifies progress, healing, and moving forward in the right direction.

What does the upright Page of Wands mean in Tarot cards? ›

The Page of Wands in the upright position is an indication of your mental state and capacity. You are in a position where you are ready to give your all in everything you do. You are not afraid to start something new and are excited to see where this new opportunity takes you.

What does the Six of Wands in the past mean? ›

If the Six of Wands is in the past part of your Tarot reading, the foundation of your current situation is in the victories or moments of pride from some time ago. Perhaps you are seeking a Tarot reading because life is not so glamorous or meaningful as it once seemed.

What do the wands mean in reading? ›

In a tarot reading, the Page of Wands brings a burst of energy and enthusiasm. It signifies the beginning of a new chapter filled with inspiration and creative opportunities. This card encourages you to explore your passions and follow your dreams with confidence.

What does the six of swords mean in a tarot reading? ›

In a tarot reading, the Six of Swords guides you towards a path of transition and healing. It encourages you to leave behind negativity and embrace positive changes. Trust in the journey and allow yourself to heal and grow. Remember, the challenges you face now are stepping stones towards a brighter future.

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