The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (2025)

Creating an original character is one thing. Users on CharacterHub are great at just that. Explaining characters to others requires different skills and may be more challenging than just creating them. Thankfully, character traits are one way to communicate the essence of a character in a few words, and we’ve got 1001 of them here for you to take advantage of when building your CharacterHub profiles. Not sure how to use these effectively? Well, we’ll help you out with that as well.

What are Character Traits?

Character traits are markers of all sorts that help define your character's personality. You can have positive character traits, and you can have negative character traits, sure. But did you know there are neutral traits as well? If you’re looking for a character trait definition, YourDictionary puts it succinctly; “Character traits describe aspects of a person's behavior, specifically inherent feelings, actions, and thoughts of a character in a book, movie, or other form of entertainment. Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives [...]”

When we think of traits in the context of OCs, we mainly consider character personality traits.

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (1)

How to Use These Traits in Character Creation

When creating textual references to your character, such as their CharacterHub profile, these character traits can be beneficial and utilized in a few ways. These traits can and should be worked into descriptions, such as character biographies and roleplay guides. For example, including a character trait list section in their description is a way to organize vital elements of their personality and background for easy reference. Similarly, under the creator's notes and roleplay guides, you can specify traits other writers must stick to to be consistent with the character’s canon.

Another thing to consider to round out a character is to think about character flaws. Flaws are essential in practical character concepts, as nobody is perfect, and neither should characters be. Flaws create depth in people, and we expect flaws to be present. After all, when we feel like a character has no flaws, we might be inclined to think about the whole Mary Sue/Gary Stu concept.

Positive Traits

Positive traits are the things we love about original characters and are usually what we consider first. This is especially true if we’re creating a protagonist. Good character traits that are positive tend to evoke the best of what we want to see in a person and, to a degree, ourselves.

However, it can also be easy to lean too hard into positivity and create flat, cliche characters that might be overly simplistic and idealized. That’s not a great thing. So, try not to go overboard when reviewing this positive trait list and avoid this common character design pitfall:

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (2)

CharacterHub Favorites: A-M

These lists of traits can be a little lengthy, as we’re dealing with over 1000 of them. So, we thought we’d take a moment to spotlight some CharacterHub favorites. Try these positive character traits:

  • Adept - Excellent for highly skilled or well-trained characters.
  • Ardent - Good for characters who are particularly passionate about a cause.
  • Bubbly - This can describe a lively and enthusiastic character.
  • Dauntless - This word is perfect for describing your most fearless OC.
  • Epochal - Imagine a character so influential they define an epoch. Now, that’s a key character trait!
  • Fervent - For your most passionately intense characters, maybe even the true romantics.
  • Magnanimous - Has your OC been wronged? If they forgive someone for their slights, you may describe them as such.
  • Merry - A cheerful and lively disposition, great for the friendliest of characters.

Positive Character Traits: A - M

  1. Absent
  2. Academic
  3. Accepting
  4. Accommodating
  5. Accountable
  6. Accurate
  7. Active
  8. Adaptable
  9. Admirable
  10. Adventurous
  11. Affable
  12. Affectionate
  13. Agreeable
  14. Alert
  15. Alluring
  16. Altruistic
  17. Amenable
  18. Amiable
  19. Amicable
  20. Amorous
  21. Analytical
  22. Animated
  23. Anti-violence
  24. Anti-war
  25. Anticipative
  26. Approachable
  27. Articulate
  28. Artistic
  29. Artsy
  30. Assertive
  31. Astute
  32. Attentive
  33. Attractive
  34. Authentic
  35. Authoritative
  36. Autonomous
  37. Avid
  38. Balanced
  39. Benevolent
  40. Benign
  41. Big-hearted
  42. Bold
  43. Bookish
  44. Brainy
  45. Brave
  46. Brilliant
  47. Broadminded
  48. Capable
  49. Captivating
  50. Certain
  51. Charismatic
  52. Charitable
  53. Charming
  54. Cheerful
  55. Cheery
  56. Chivalrous
  57. Civil
  58. Classy
  59. Clear-headed
  60. Clever
  61. Comical
  62. Commanding
  63. Communicative
  64. Compassionate
  65. Competitive
  66. Compliant
  67. Concerned
  68. Conciliatory
  69. Confident
  70. Congenial
  71. Conscientious
  72. Considerate
  73. Content
  74. Conversant
  75. Cooperative
  76. Cordial
  77. Courageous
  78. Creative
  79. Cultured
  80. Decisive
  81. Dedicated
  82. Democratic
  83. Dependable
  84. Detail-oriented
  85. Detailed
  86. Determined
  87. Devoted
  88. Dignified
  89. Diligent
  90. Diplomatic
  91. Direct
  92. Disciplined
  93. Discriminating
  94. Disposed
  95. Distinctive
  96. Down-to-earth
  97. Driven
  98. Dutiful
  99. Dynamic
  100. Eager
  101. Earnest
  102. Economical
  103. Effervescent
  104. Egalitarian
  105. Elaborate
  106. Eloquent
  107. Empathetic
  108. Energetic
  109. Engaged
  110. Engaging
  111. Enterprising
  112. Entertaining
  113. Enthralling
  114. Enthusiastic
  115. Entrancing
  116. Entrepreneurial
  117. Equable
  118. Equipped
  119. Equitable
  120. Esthetic
  121. Ethical
  122. Even-handed
  123. Excellent
  124. Exceptional
  125. Expectant
  126. Experienced
  127. Expressive
  128. Exuberant
  129. Fair
  130. Faithful
  131. Familiar
  132. Far-sighted
  133. Feisty
  134. Felicific
  135. Firm
  136. Flexible
  137. Fluent
  138. Focused
  139. Forbearing
  140. Forgiving
  141. Formidable
  142. Friendly
  143. Fun
  144. Funny
  145. Futurist
  146. Gallant
  147. Generous
  148. Genial
  149. Genius
  150. Gentle
  151. Genuine
  152. Gifted
  153. Giving
  154. Go-getter
  155. Good-natured
  156. Graceful
  157. Gracious
  158. Grateful
  159. Gregarious
  160. Happy
  161. Hard-working
  162. Helpful
  163. Heroic
  164. High-minded
  165. High-profile
  166. Honest
  167. Hopeful
  168. Hospitable
  169. Humane
  170. Humanitarian
  171. Humble
  172. Hypnotic
  173. Imaginative
  174. Impartial
  175. Impressive
  176. Inclusive
  177. Incorruptible
  178. Independent
  179. Individualistic
  180. Industrious
  181. Informed
  182. Ingenious
  183. Innovative
  184. Inoffensive
  185. Inspired
  186. Inspiring
  187. Intellectual
  188. Intelligent
  189. Interested
  190. Inventive
  191. Involved
  192. Invulnerable
  193. Jolly
  194. Just
  195. Kind
  196. Kindhearted
  197. Knowledgeable
  198. Laudable
  199. Law-Abiding
  200. Level-headed
  201. Liberal
  202. Limitless
  203. Logical
  204. Lovely
  205. Loving
  206. Magnetic
  207. Marvellous
  208. Mature
  209. Merciful
  210. Mesmerizing
  211. Methodological
  212. Meticulous
  213. Mild
  214. Modest
  215. Moral
  216. Motivated
  217. Multifaceted

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (3)

CharacterHub Favorites: N - Z

Of course, there are even more positive character traits that you can evoke in your character spotlights. Here are some exciting ones that would be great to work into your OC’s CharacterHub profile.

  • Outgoing - Use this term for the most socially at-ease characters.
  • Prudent - Characters who plan ahead might best be described this way.
  • Repentant - Perfect for an OC who is trying to set something right.
  • Sharp - Use this one for your most cutting-witted characters or the most observant ones.
  • Unassuming - This term is great for OCs who are particularly modest.
  • Vivacious - Usually associated with feminine personalities. Think of the liveliest woman in the room.

Positive Character Traits: N - Z

  1. Natural
  2. Neat
  3. Neighborly
  4. Nice
  5. No-nonsense
  6. Noble
  7. Noteworthy
  8. Obedient
  9. Objective
  10. Obliging
  11. Open
  12. Open-minded
  13. Optimistic
  14. Orderly
  15. Organized
  16. Original
  17. Outstanding
  18. Pacifist
  19. Painstaking
  20. Parsimonious
  21. Passionate
  22. Patient
  23. Patriotic
  24. Peacemaker
  25. Pedagogical
  26. Penitent
  27. Perfectionist
  28. Permissive
  29. Persistent
  30. Personable
  31. Persuasive
  32. Philanthropic
  33. Philosophical
  34. Pioneering
  35. Pleasant
  36. Poised
  37. Polished
  38. Polite
  39. Popular
  40. Positive
  41. Practical
  42. Precise
  43. Prepared
  44. Present
  45. Presentable
  46. Primed
  47. Principled
  48. Prodigy
  49. Productive
  50. Proficient
  51. Profound
  52. Prominent
  53. Prompt
  54. Punctual
  55. Purposeful
  56. Qualified
  57. Quick-witted
  58. Reasonable
  59. Receptive
  60. Refined
  61. Reflective
  62. Reliable
  63. Remarkable
  64. Remorseful
  65. Resolute
  66. Resourceful
  67. Respectable
  68. Respectful
  69. Responsive
  70. Result-oriented
  71. Results-driven
  72. Revolutionary
  73. Romantic
  74. Satisfied
  75. Scholarly
  76. Self-reliant
  77. Self-sufficient
  78. Selfless
  79. Sensible
  80. Sincere
  81. Skilled
  82. Skillful
  83. Smart
  84. Sober
  85. Sociable
  86. Soft-spoken
  87. Sophisticated
  88. Specific
  89. Spontaneous
  90. Sport
  91. Stable
  92. Staunch
  93. Steadfast
  94. Stoic
  95. Strategic
  96. Striking
  97. Striving
  98. Strong
  99. Studious
  100. Superior
  101. Supportive
  102. Sure
  103. Sweet
  104. Sympathetic
  105. Systematic
  106. Tactful
  107. Talented
  108. Tasteful
  109. Teachable
  110. Tenacious
  111. Tender
  112. Terrific
  113. Thankful
  114. Thoughtful
  115. Thrifty
  116. Tidy
  117. Timely
  118. Tolerant
  119. Tough
  120. Trainable
  121. Transparent
  122. Trendy
  123. Trusting
  124. Trustworthy
  125. Uncomplaining
  126. Uncomplicated
  127. Understanding
  128. Unequaled
  129. Unfazed
  130. Unorthodox
  131. Unperturbed
  132. Unpretentious
  133. Unshakeable
  134. Unstoppable
  135. Unwavering
  136. Unyielding
  137. Upbeat
  138. Updated
  139. Upright
  140. Valiant
  141. Versatile
  142. Vigorous
  143. Virtuoso
  144. Virtuous
  145. Visionary
  146. Well-behaved
  147. Well-bred
  148. Well-mannered
  149. Well-read
  150. Well-rounded
  151. Well-traveled
  152. Willing
  153. Winning
  154. Wise
  155. Witty
  156. Youthful
  157. Zealous

Negative Traits

Negative traits are some of the more fun traits to consider for characters, no matter where they fall on the spectrum of good and evil. Negative traits are character flaws that we tend to either love characters for or love to see them overcome. Peppering a few of these with any character will lead to a more complex character overall.

Also, negative traits are popular choices. We have so many that there are nearly twice as many as the positive traits. Are we generally negative?

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (4)

CharacterHub Favorites: A - M

We aren't negative about these traits; here are some of the CharacterHub favorites:

  • Abrasive - A harsh personality, someone who may be uncaring of others.
  • Boisterous - Use this one for the real rowdy characters.
  • Debauched - If you call someone debauched you are noting their pursuit of pleasure is morally harmful.
  • Domineering - OCs with this trait force their arrogant will on others.
  • Grim - Use this for OCs whose worldview is far from positive, to the point of being bleak.
  • Impudent - This word is great for describing characters who have no respect for others.
  • Lethargic - Use this for the most sluggish and apathetic OCs.
  • Melodramatic - This is great for characters with a real diva-like personality and the over-the-top, sensational types.

Negative Character Traits: A - M

  1. Abnormal
  2. Abusive
  3. Adamant
  4. Addicted
  5. Aggressive
  6. Agitated
  7. Aimless
  8. Alcoholic
  9. Aloof
  10. Ambiguous
  11. Amoral
  12. Annoying
  13. Antagonistic
  14. Antisocial
  15. Anxious
  16. Apathetic
  17. Appalling
  18. Argumentative
  19. Arrogant
  20. Asinine
  21. Audacious
  22. Austere
  23. Awful
  24. Awkward
  25. Backbiter
  26. Banal
  27. Barbaric
  28. Bashful
  29. Bawd
  30. Belligerent
  31. Bigot
  32. Bitter
  33. Bland
  34. Blasphemous
  35. Blunt
  36. Boastful
  37. Boorish
  38. Boring
  39. Bossy
  40. Bothersome
  41. Braggart
  42. Brooding
  43. Brutal
  44. Bull-headed
  45. Bureaucratic
  46. Callous
  47. Cantankerous
  48. Capricious
  49. Careless
  50. Chauvinist
  51. Childish
  52. Clingy
  53. Clumsy
  54. Coarse
  55. Cocky
  56. Cold
  57. Complaintive
  58. Complicated
  59. Compulsive
  60. Conceited
  61. Condemnatory
  62. Condescending
  63. Confrontational
  64. Confused
  65. Conniving
  66. Conspiring
  67. Contemptible
  68. Contemptuous
  69. Contrite
  70. Controlling
  71. Convoluted
  72. Copycat
  73. Corrupt
  74. Covetous
  75. Coward
  76. Crabby
  77. Crafty
  78. Cranky
  79. Crass
  80. Creepy
  81. Critical
  82. Crooked
  83. Crude
  84. Cruel
  85. Cunning
  86. Cynical
  87. Daredevil
  88. Decadent
  89. Deceitful
  90. Deceptive
  91. Defector
  92. Defenseless
  93. Defensive
  94. Defiant
  95. Deficient
  96. Demanding
  97. Demeaning
  98. Dense
  99. Dependent
  100. Deplorable
  101. Derisive
  102. Deserter
  103. Desperate
  104. Despicable
  105. Detached
  106. Deviant
  107. Devious
  108. Difficult
  109. Disbelieving
  110. Discomfited
  111. Disconcerting
  112. Discouraging
  113. Discourteous
  114. Discriminatory
  115. Disdainful
  116. Disgraceful
  117. Dishonest
  118. Dishonorable
  119. Disingenuous
  120. Disinterested
  121. Disloyal
  122. Dismissive
  123. Disorganized
  124. Dispiriting
  125. Disreputable
  126. Disrespectful
  127. Disruptive
  128. Dissolute
  129. Distant
  130. Distressful
  131. Distrustful
  132. Disturbed
  133. Docile
  134. Dominating
  135. Dormant
  136. Doubtful
  137. Dubious
  138. Dull
  139. Eccentric
  140. Egocentric
  141. Egoistic
  142. Enervated
  143. Envious
  144. Erratic
  145. Erring
  146. Escapist
  147. Evil
  148. Exaggerated
  149. Extra
  150. Extravagant
  151. Facetious
  152. Fanatical
  153. Fascist
  154. Fearful
  155. Finicky
  156. Flippant
  157. Foolhardy
  158. Foolish
  159. Forgetful
  160. Foul-mouthed
  161. Fraudster
  162. Fraudulent
  163. Freak
  164. Frenzied
  165. Frightful
  166. Frivolous
  167. Frugal
  168. Fussy
  169. Gloomy
  170. Glum
  171. Gnarly
  172. Gossiper
  173. Grandiose
  174. Greedy
  175. Grouchy
  176. Grumpy
  177. Guilt-ridden
  178. Guilt-stricken
  179. Gullible
  180. Harebrained
  181. Harried
  182. Harsh
  183. Hasty
  184. Hateful
  185. Haughty
  186. Helpless
  187. Heretical
  188. Hesitant
  189. Hideous
  190. High-handed
  191. Hoity-toity
  192. Hostile
  193. Hot-headed
  194. Huffy
  195. Humorless
  196. Hurtful
  197. Hypocrite
  198. Idiotic
  199. Idle
  200. Ignorant
  201. Ill-mannered
  202. Illiterate
  203. Illogical
  204. Imbecile
  205. Imitative
  206. Immature
  207. Impatient
  208. Imperious
  209. Impersonal
  210. Impetuous
  211. Impious
  212. Imploring
  213. Impolite
  214. Impractical
  215. Impressionistic
  216. Impulsive
  217. Inactive
  218. Inadequate
  219. Inappropriate
  220. Inapt
  221. Inattentive
  222. Incompetent
  223. Incongruous
  224. Inconsiderate
  225. Indecent
  226. Indifferent
  227. Indiscreet
  228. Indiscriminate
  229. Indolent
  230. Inefficient
  231. Inept
  232. Inert
  233. Inexperienced
  234. Infantile
  235. Inflated
  236. Inflexible
  237. Infuriating
  238. Ingrate
  239. Inhibited
  240. Inquisitive
  241. Insecure
  242. Insensitive
  243. Insincere
  244. Insistent
  245. Insulting
  246. Interfering
  247. Intimidating
  248. Intolerant
  249. Intrusive
  250. Invasive
  251. Irascible
  252. Irate
  253. Irrational
  254. Irresponsible
  255. Irreverent
  256. Irritable
  257. Jealous
  258. Judgmental
  259. Killjoy
  260. Lacking
  261. Languid
  262. Lascivious
  263. Late
  264. Lazy
  265. Lewd
  266. Liar
  267. Libidinous
  268. Listless
  269. Loud
  270. Ludicrous
  271. Machiavellian
  272. Mad
  273. Malicious
  274. Malignant
  275. Manic
  276. Manipulative
  277. Mannerless
  278. Materialistic
  279. Mean
  280. Mechanical
  281. Meddlesome
  282. Meek
  283. Melancholic
  284. Messy
  285. Mischievous
  286. Miserable
  287. Misinformed
  288. Misleading
  289. Monotonous
  290. Moody
  291. Morbid
  292. Morose

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (5)

CharacterHub Favorites: N - Z

This collection of negative traits has some really fun ones that make for great additions to character descriptions, profiles, and roleplaying guides. Among the CharacterHub favorites you have:

  • Nihilistic - For the real “life is meaningless” type of character.
  • Officious - Use this for a character who tends to suck up to a higher power and feels superior about it.
  • Quarrelsome - For overly combative and nitpicky characters.
  • Sadistic - OCs who love to inflict pain and misery would be described with this word.
  • Slothful - This is a more evocative way to call someone lazy.
  • Thievish - For OCs with sticky fingers and loose morals regarding personal property.
  • Unnerving - For those characters who feel off and make others nervous or lose their courage.
  • Vindictive - Shoutout to those OCs who take things very personally.

Negative Character Traits: N - Z

  1. Nagging
  2. Naïve
  3. Narcissistic
  4. Narrow-minded
  5. Nasty
  6. Neglectful
  7. Nervous
  8. Nonchalant
  9. Nosy
  10. Nuisance
  11. Nutty
  12. Obnoxious
  13. Obscure
  14. Obsessive
  15. Obstinate
  16. Obtuse
  17. Odd
  18. Offensive
  19. Offhand
  20. One-sided
  21. Opportunistic
  22. Oppressing
  23. Outdated
  24. Outrageous
  25. Over-critical
  26. Overachieving
  27. Overbearing
  28. Overconfident
  29. Overexcited
  30. Overreacting
  31. Panicky
  32. Paranoid
  33. Party-pooper
  34. Passive
  35. Pathetic
  36. Patronizing
  37. Perplexing
  38. Perverse
  39. Pessimistic
  40. Petty
  41. Petulant
  42. Phlegmatic
  43. Pitiable
  44. Placid
  45. Plodding
  46. Pompous
  47. Possessive
  48. Power-hungry
  49. Predatory
  50. Prejudiced
  51. Preposterous
  52. Presumptuous
  53. Pretentious
  54. Privy
  55. Procrastinator
  56. Prodigal
  57. Profane
  58. Proud
  59. Provocative
  60. Provoking
  61. Prying
  62. Pushy
  63. Quick-tempered
  64. Racist
  65. Radical
  66. Rash
  67. Reactionary
  68. Rebellious
  69. Reckless
  70. Redundant
  71. Regimental
  72. Repetitive
  73. Repressed
  74. Repulsive
  75. Resentful
  76. Ridiculous
  77. Rigid
  78. Rowdy
  79. Rude
  80. Rumor-monger
  81. Ruthless
  82. Sacrilegious
  83. Sarcastic
  84. Scandalous
  85. Scheming
  86. Scornful
  87. Sedentary
  88. Self-absorbed
  89. Self-centered
  90. Self-conscious
  91. Self-harming
  92. Self-important
  93. Self-indulgent
  94. Self-pitying
  95. Self-righteous
  96. Selfish
  97. Shallow
  98. Shameful
  99. Short-sighted
  100. Show-off
  101. Showy
  102. Shy
  103. Silly
  104. Sinister
  105. Sketchy
  106. Slack
  107. Slandering
  108. Sloppy
  109. Sloth
  110. Slovenly
  111. Slow
  112. Sluggish
  113. Sly
  114. Smartaleck
  115. Snappy
  116. Sneaky
  117. Snobbish
  118. Snooping
  119. Snooty
  120. Sophomoric
  121. Sordid
  122. Spaced-out
  123. Spiteful
  124. Spoiled
  125. Spoilsport
  126. Stagnant
  127. Stealthy
  128. Steely
  129. Stern
  130. Stingy
  131. Strict
  132. Stringent
  133. Strong-willed
  134. Stubborn
  135. Stupid
  136. Subjective
  137. Submissive
  138. Subservient
  139. Sullen
  140. Superficial
  141. Superfluous
  142. Superstitious
  143. Surly
  144. Tactless
  145. Tale-bearing
  146. Tardy
  147. Tasteless
  148. Temperamental
  149. Tense
  150. Terrible
  151. Testy
  152. Thoughtless
  153. Threatened
  154. Threatening
  155. Timid
  156. Traitor
  157. Treacherous
  158. Turgid
  159. Unapologetic
  160. Unappreciative
  161. Unbearable
  162. Unbecoming
  163. Uncaring
  164. Uncertain
  165. Uncharitable
  166. Unchaste
  167. Uncivilized
  168. Uncooperative
  169. Uncouth
  170. Uncultured
  171. Underachieving
  172. Undeserving
  173. Undiplomatic
  174. Uneconomical
  175. Uneducated
  176. Unethical
  177. Unfit
  178. Unforgiving
  179. Unfriendly
  180. Unglamorous
  181. Ungrateful
  182. Unjust
  183. Unlikable
  184. Unpardonable
  185. Unpredictable
  186. Unproductive
  187. Unrealistic
  188. Unreasonable
  189. Unreliable
  190. Unremarkable
  191. Unrepentant
  192. Unresponsive
  193. Unruly
  194. Unsatisfied
  195. Unschooled
  196. Unskilled
  197. Unsophisticated
  198. Unstable
  199. Unsuitable
  200. Unthinking
  201. Untidy
  202. Untruthful
  203. Unwise
  204. Vain
  205. Vengeful
  206. Vicious
  207. Vile
  208. Violent
  209. Vulgar
  210. Vulnerable
  211. Wallowing
  212. War-monger
  213. Wasteful
  214. Weak
  215. Whiny
  216. Wicked
  217. Withdrawn
  218. Workaholic
  219. Worrywart
  220. Worthless
  221. Zonked

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (6)

CharacterHub Favorite

How can character traits be neutral? Well, it is all in how you use them. These traits don’t carry heavily positive or negative connotations. However, depending on how they are used, can be used as character flaws or positive traits. Among some of the CharacterHub favorites on this list, we have:

  • Composed - For characters who exert a lot of control over how they are perceived emotionally.
  • Dogmatic - For the true believers who are quite adamant about it.
  • Inconspicuous - A character who attracts so little attention they are almost invisible.
  • Noncommittal - Picture Archie and his eternal decision between Betty and Veronica.
  • Solemn - Deeply sincere but also quite formal and dignified.
  • Watchful - Use this for OCs who are particularly aware and who stay ahead of events.

Neutral Traits

  1. Androgynous
  2. Average
  3. Calm
  4. Carefree
  5. Careful
  6. Cautious
  7. Conformist
  8. Conservative
  9. Daring
  10. Discerning
  11. Discreet
  12. Easy-going
  13. Effeminate
  14. Enigmatic
  15. Experimental
  16. Expressionless
  17. Familial
  18. Fanciful
  19. Free-wheeling
  20. Guileless
  21. Happy-go-lucky
  22. Heedful
  23. Idiosyncratic
  24. Impassive
  25. Insightful
  26. Instinctive
  27. Intense
  28. Intuitive
  29. Investigative
  30. Keen
  31. Laid-back
  32. Lenient
  33. Low-profile
  34. Mellow
  35. Meticulous
  36. Moralistic
  37. Neutral
  38. Observant
  39. Opinionated
  40. Ordinary
  41. Outspoken
  42. Particular
  43. Perceptive
  44. Picky
  45. Playful
  46. Pokerfaced
  47. Political
  48. Protective
  49. Quiet
  50. Quirky
  51. Quixotic
  52. Relaxed
  53. Replaceable
  54. Reserved
  55. Restrained
  56. Ritualistic
  57. Scrupulous
  58. Secretive
  59. Serious
  60. Simple
  61. Stern
  62. Stiff
  63. Straightforward
  64. Strange
  65. Stylish
  66. Subtle
  67. Thorough
  68. Typical
  69. Unconcerned
  70. Unhurried
  71. Unmoved
  72. Unruffled
  73. Unsophisticated
  74. Unusual
  75. Vigilant
  76. Wary
  77. Weird
  78. Whimsical

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (7)

Balancing Character Traits

The biggest challenge in character traits is balancing to avoid creating flat, cliche paragons and renegades. Just as you are a complex person (we hope), characters should also be complex. But how do you ensure that?

Well, depending on how you write characters, it may be an issue of proportion. Don’t worry; we’re not leaning too hard into scary math concepts here. It is more about trying to find a balance between good and bad traits without one side overwhelming the other.

The simplest solution? Consider adding a negative trait for every couple of positive traits on a character. People, much less characters, are not math problems. However, when developing a character trait list, a little visual balance in their traits might help to keep you from swinging too far in one direction and ending up with something dull. No worries, finding the perfect blend of traits often starts with a spark of inspiration!

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! | CharacterHub (8)

About the author

David Davis

David Davis is a cartoonist with around twenty years of experience in comics, including independent work and established IPs such as SpongeBob Squarepants. He also works as a college composition instructor and records weekly podcasts. Find out more about him at his website!

Find Out More

The Ultimate List of 1001 Character Traits: Positive, Negative, Personality, Character Flaws, You Name It! |  CharacterHub (2025)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.